Sunday, December 27, 2009
Blog Deal Day
Monday, December 21, 2009
Last Minute Holiday Gifts!
*Brand new Melissa & Doug Puzzles and Food Sets
*Rokenbok Systems and Control Pad

*Alex Best Friend Band Bracelet Kits
*Battat Wood Activity Cube
*Little People Market, Dollhouse, & Circus
*Redbox Toy Hospital Set
*Scratch Magic Mini-Pads
*Kooky Pens and Monkey Pens
*Little Tikes Tool Bench
*Train Table with 3 Bins
*Heart Beat Bear
*Scholastic Skill Starter Notebook

*Talking Tigger, Elmo, and Spiderman Dolls
*Hand and Finger Puppets
*Princess Dress-up Skirts, Boas, Tiaras, and Wings
*Cowboy and Pirate Hats
*Diva Hats and Gloves
*Kazoos, Recorders, and Shakey Eggs

*And Much More!
Everyone at
Grow With Me
would like to wish all of you a very happy holidays!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Travelling Over the Holidays?

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Great New Finds!

*Fisher Price Calming Vibrations Bouncy Seat
Friday, November 27, 2009
Blog Deal Day!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Holiday Shopping
Here are some great gift ideas:
*Itty Bitty Babies Bus
*Little People Playground
*Brand New Leap Frog Leap Pad
*Wonder Years 4-in-1 Musical Bug
*Giant Plush Ballerina

* Aviva Snowbunker Jr. Inflatable Fort with Pump
*Sno-Paint Kits
*Alex Bath Toys
*Melissa & Doug Wooden Food Sets, Puzzles, Craft Kits
*Tutus, Fairy Wings, Tiaras, Pirate and Cowboy Hats
*Lots of Games and Books!
We also have awesome stocking stuffers:
*Scratch Magic Mini-Notes
*Shakey Eggs, Kazoos, and Harmonicas
*Kooky Pens
*Dragon Finger Puppets

*Temporary Tattoos
*Silly Words Tangle, Jr.
*Envirosax Kid's Bag
*And More On the Way
And some other excellent stuff we have in stock:
*PT Toys--Stepping Stones, Balance Board, Scooter Board, and Antsy Seat Cushion

*Baby Trend Expeditions Jogging Stroller
*Fisher Price Starlight Papasan Cradle Swing
*Basic Comfort Pack N Ride Carrier
*Peg Perego Aria Strooer
*Belle Gentle Front-Support Baby Carrier
*Graco Pack & Play with Bassinet
*Kolcraft Gentle Sleeper Vibrating Mattress
*Diaperdude Blanket
*Scooter Bees Eco-Friendly Baby Shoes
*Magic Mics
*And Plenty More Of Course!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Won't You Be Our Neighbor?
So I thought that I would tell you a little about all of us here at the store. Here goes:
My name is Marni and I am one of the owners of Grow With Me. I have two children, a 6year old boy and 11 year old girl. I also am an instructor at the Lamaze Family Center, where I facilitate Mother's Groups. Before opening the store, I taught a variety of classes there including Childbirth Classes and Toddler Groups. In my previous life before children, I was working on a Ph.D. in Chinese History and lived in Taiwan and Japan. And I often get teased at the store for wearing a lot of purple. It's my favorite color!
Brown is Elyssa's favorite color and if you come in and someone's wearing brown, it's probably her! Elyssa is co-owner of Grow With Me. She has two children, similar in ages to my own, who are also a boy and a girl. Her son, Gabe, is autistic and he is the inspiration behind all the work that Elyssa has done with the autism organizations here in town. Elyssa previously worked as a consultant in the auto industry. She is a dedicated runner and a vegetarian.
Gina has been working at Grow With Me for more than a year now. She has an adorable 3year old son. Gina enjoys gardening, but is not a farmer (she is not a vegetable gardener). She is a chocoholic, according to her (you could never tell that by looking at her)! And Gina loves to read and to blog. She has kept years and years of journals and now does it online.
Debby is a native of our neighbors to the north. She has two daughters, who are both amazing gymnists! But Debby herself comes from a huge family. B.C. (before children), Debby was a geologist and went to lots of cool places to dig up rocks. She likes spending time outdoors and enjoys camping, hiking, and canoeing with her family. And to my amazement, Debby can seemingly put together or fix almost anything (at least at the store)!
Tracy just had her 1 year anniversary of working at the store. She has four (yes, 4) children--three boys, and finally a girl! The three boys are also autistic and so working at the shop has personal meaning for her. Tracy is a super serious scrapbooker! She also is working on writing a book. How she finds the time is beyond me!
Ashley is our newest employee. She has a two year old son, who is hopefully now recovering from the flu. Ashley is originally from Ohio. Like Tracy, she enjoys writing and would love to be a playwrite or screenwriter. She is also exceptionally good at doing hair and make-up. But she in no way is a girly girl. One of her favorite things to do is to go dirt-biking!
So now that you know a little about us, I hope it will inspire you to come, shop, and share a little something about yourself!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
New Items!
In addition, we now have out all of our Holiday Clothing! So come on in and check out all the adorable Christmas dresses, sweaters, and jumpers. We also have set up a holiday shelf in the playroom displaying Christmas books, photo albums, and toys.
Since we last posted two weeks ago about all the new and interesting products, we have gotten in some great finds. Here's just a sampling:
*Pirate Hats, Swords, and Eye Patches
*Cowboy Hats
*Melissa & Doug Decorate-Your-Own Princess Tiara
*Diva Hats & Gloves
*Melissa & Doug Wooden Bake and Decorate Cupcake Set
*Deltasand Start Set and Refill Packs
*Baby Ganz Peek-a-boo 123 Stuffed Bears and Mobey Musical Turtles
*Dekor Diaper Plus with Refill Catridges
*Graco Pack and Play
*Cosco Pack and Play*Baby Smart Cooshee Booster Classic
*Toy Bin Organizer
*Step 2 Stove with Accessories
*Little People Castle, Amusement Park, and Plane
*Melissa & Doug Wood City Ramp Racing Set
*Double Maclaren Twin Traveller Stroller
Friday, October 30, 2009
Making A Difference
Our customers can feel good knowing that each time they donate clothing items or purchase items from our popular dollar bins, they are making a difference for families of children affected by autism. Here’s how some of those contributions are making a difference:
• With our help, The Judson Center to has been able to purchase sensory- friendly therapeutic items for use in their summer programming. In addition, supporting their center will help fund direct scholarships to consumers to supplement the out-of-pocket costs for their programs and services.
• Donations provided to The Ann Arbor Autism Foundation have been used to support families affected by autism by providing scholarships to families in need, and grants to agencies for community projects.
• A Different Path newsletter provides a voice for families of children with special needs. Financial contributions will be used to help pay for mailing and printing costs.
So thank you for your continued support. The more you shop and drop off items, the more assistance we can give these wonderful organizations!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Blog Deal Day!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Fabulous New Finds
And we have plenty of new merchandise coming in. Here are some of the new items we have in stock:

*Fisher Price Kitchen with Food
*Mac the Monkey Wooden Stacking Toy
*Pink Radio Flyer Classic Lights and Sounds Trike
*Little People Sweet Sounds Doll House
*Thomas' Cranky the Crane
*Angelina Ballerina Plush Dolls
*Set of Duplo Blocks
*Lot of Rescue Hero Toys & Rescue Hero Command Center
*Little Tikes Racecar Toddler Bed
*Jeep Free-Stand Stroller
*Childcraft Convertible Crib
*Simmons Crib with Mattress

*Arms Reach Mini-Cosleeper
*Regalo Hook-on Chair
*BebeSounds Movement Sensor

*Bloomers 3-Tier Diaper Cake
*Bumble Bags Diaper Bag
*Belli Pure Comfort Nursing Cream & Stretchmark Minimizing Cream
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Community Building
--Donations of over $8500 to the Ann Arbor Autism Foundation and the Washtenaw County chapter of the Judson Center
--Weekly contributions of clothing, toys, and equipment to The House by the Side of the Road
--Sponsorship of the Lamaze Family Center's The Big House Big Heart team and involvement in their Cookie Fundraiser
--Sponsorship of Doulas Care Fundraising Event for the past two years
--Partnership with Michelle Massey Barnes Photography in Autism Fundraiser
--Donation to Honey Creek Community School's Fundraising Raffle
--Information table at the upcoming Parent Resource Fair at the University of Michigan
Thank you to all our customers for supporting our efforts and their local community! And we hope that you will continue to think locally when you shop and make donations.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What's New
*Little Tikes Inflatable Bounce House with Slide
*Smart Guard Portable Bed Safety Rail
*Fisher Price Dollhouse with Accessories
*Bristle Blocks Set
*Kidco Safeway Gate
*Anita Nursing Bra
*Evenflo Johnny Jumper
*Chicco Backpack Carrier
*Bumbo Seats in Purple and Blue
*Lincoln Logs
*Christina Collection Porcelain Dolls
*Go Diego Go Dinosaur Transport
*Lots of Games!
And here are some brand new items that we now have in stock:
*Animal Planet Envirosax Bags
*K's Kids Learning Shoes
*Baby-sized Kufi Caps
*Tea Brand Baby Hats

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Halloween Is Frighteningly Near

So do you have all your little ghosts and goblins set to trick or treat yet? Grow With Me still has plenty of wear for those pirates and princesses. Here are a few of the Halloween items we have in stock:
*baby costumes--
pea pod
and pumpkin of course
*toddler costumes--
power ranger
*kid's costumes--
dragontales dragon
rock star
winnie the pooh
*big kid costumes--
scary jester
hannah montana
*clown wig
*pumpkin hat
*Mickey Mouse crown
*flashing teeth
*fairy wings and wands
*pirate hat and patch
*princess tiaras
*hair bows
Do you have costumes and Halloween clothing from last year (or the year before) that no longer fit? Bring them in! We'd be happy to buy them from you for cash or store credit. We take Halloween items all year long!
And if you really want to get ahead of the game, or you are really behind the game, we will have all our Halloween stock on sale for 50% off on October 31st!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fabulous Fall Items
Monday, September 14, 2009
Blog Deal Day
Thursday, September 10, 2009
New Items

*Ikea Bed Canopy
*Laura Ashley Pack & Play
*Radio Flyer Wagon
*Childcraft Crib
*Kolcraft Bassinet

*Radio Flyer Classic Lights & Sounds Trike
*Battat Wood Duck Ride-on Toy
*Barbie Chat Diva
*My Doll Nursery Set
*Dora Clock
*Sparkly Diva Hats
*Fisher Price Aquarium Cradle Swing
*Pirate Adventure Pinball Game
*Fisher Price Swing N Meals
*Melissa & Doug First Play Grasping Toys

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Back To School
Back-to-school is always a busy time here for us at Grow With Me. And I think the cooler weather has reminded everyone of the change in season earlier than usual. Last year, it wasn't until October that we were so well-visited. So thank you for stopping by!
So what are the essentials? In my opinion, lots of easy-to-wear and easy-to-put-on clothes are the best. I have learned that there is no point in sending your child to school in the absolute cutest clothing. Then you only worry about rips and stains, etc. Save those nice clothes for weekend events such as birthday parties and family get-togethers, all the up-coming holidays, and school pictures. Stick to jeans, playdresses,sweats,and easy-to-move-in skirts with attached shorts or leggings. Do not under any circumstance send your child to school in anything white! And here's a tip: make sure the neck is stretchy enough to get over the head easily. Early mornings are no fun with screaming children stuck in clothing! Also, lace-up shoes can be so cute and great for learning how to tie, but honestly, do you want all the frustration that goes along with them? You know they are never going to tie them. They will try to cram their foot in angrily, or leave them untied, or will walk on and break the backs or just flat out refuse to wear them. I have learned this lesson well.
Are you buying ahead for winter? Make sure you have two of everything! Two pairs of boots, at least two pairs of mittens, two or perhaps 5 hats, two coats, two pairs of snowpants, and two scarves. Do you have to ask why? I can't tell you how many parents came in last winter in a panic because their child lost said item/s the day before. And it's not easy these days to find snowpants in February. In fact, it's not just winter items that they lose. Once, my daughter's friend buried her shoes so well in the playground sand that they could not be found. Yes, she came home without shoes that day (good thing they wear slippers in class). So think ahead and get some extras early!
Feel free to share any of your own tips. And hope to see you for all your back-to-school needs!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bursting with New Items!

*Fisher Price Intellitainer Exersaucer

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Blog Deal Day
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Winter Coats and Other New Items
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Recycle Shops
And that got me thinking about the progress we’ve made here in this country with recycling generally and the proliferation of resale stores. According to the National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops, there has been a 5% annual growth in the industry. No doubt that hard economic times have played a role in the recent upswing in resale sales. Some second-hand stores are reporting as much as a 20% increase in sales. But the expansion in the industry over the years is most likely related to an increased awareness in recycling and the desire to minimize our impact on our environment—at least that’s what I’d like to think. And that interest has in turn changed the image of the resale shop. People are no longer afraid to admit that they bought that adorable outfit at a second-hand store. In fact, I’ve seen people say it with pride. And others respond with, “What a great find!”
So next time you are planning on going for the great sales at the retail store, take a moment to think about whether you really need to buy it new. When you buy at a resale shop, not only will you find great deals, but you are also doing your part in creating an eco-friendly society. The more you buy resale, not only are you buying “green”, but you are helping the industry survive and thrive. And just maybe we can be a great example for other countries. You know, Japanese teens especially love all things American, so perhaps recycle shops will become the next big thing!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Stuff-a-Bag Sale Pricing
9:00-11:00: $8.99
11:00-2:00: $5.99
2:00-4:00: $3.99
4:00-5:00: $1.99
Come early for the best selection!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Stuff-A-Bag Sale & New Items

Friday, July 31, 2009
Moving into Fall

But we know some of you like to shop early. I am envious of those of you who have it together enough to do that. And I am completely blown away by those of you who are asking for winter coats in the middle of summer. You must be super-moms! And that is why we are already stocking the store with those back-to-school clothes. Usually we start mixing some fall clothing in by the middle of July. We stop putting new summer clothing out on the floor by the end of the month. And we really try to have the store turned over to almost all fall/winter clothing by the middle of August.
We are going to start putting winter coats and bunting out now, but our plan is to switch our big swimwear display over to coats and snowsuits on August 10th. However, we know that kids can have growth spurts or lose those swimshoes, sandals, sunhat, etc. I remember all too well running all over town desperately searching for a new swimsuit in the middle of August. How frustrating! So we do keep some summer-wear out until the very end of the season. We also know that kids need swimsuits all year long and we try to keep them available to you. Just check in each size. Even after the season is over, you are always welcome to ask if we have something you need stored away in back.
What about Halloween costumes, you ask? Expect a display the very beginning of September. I just spent some time looking through all those bins because a certain someone just had to have a Star Wars costume for camp. Unfortunately, my feeling of utter triumph at having found one (after working up a sweat moving around 10 or so bins of costumes) was completely deflated after a certain someone then decided he didn’t want to wear it after all. But I can tell you, we have many great costumes! So stay tuned for info on the exact date.
We hope to see you soon for all your back-to-school clothing needs!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Christmas in July Sale
Friday, July 24, 2009
Selling Your Stuff
When you bring your things in, we first presort them. We check the items for any stains, tears, missing pieces, or broken parts. I personally have brought many things into the store that I thought were in almost perfect condition only to find something wrong with them once there. Every little stain shows up under our fluorescent lights! Many of our customers who buy from us expect our merchandise to be in like-new condition and for that reason we are very particular about what we accept.We also check the brand and size of the items you bring in. Some brands sell better than others for us, and that can sometimes depend on size. For example, Hanna Anderson clothing sells very well in smaller size, but not so well in the tween or teen sizes. And, of course, we make sure no toy or piece of equipment has been recalled.
After we presort your items, we price the things that we are able to accept. Pricing can vary greatly depending on brand, size, and condition. We do have a pricing matrix for clothing, but even then, we might price something a little higher if it is brand new with tags or a little lower if it is one of our favorite brands but has a little wear. When we price toys and equipment, we generally check the retail cost of the item and then price that item at one-third to one-half of the current retail value. Then you would get one-third to one-half of our price. So, yes, you would earn more if you sell your things on your own. But you would also have the hassle of doing that. The pricing we use is competitive with other resale stores. We would love to be able to give you more for your things, but we have to keep prices low enough for our buying customers, and we have to make enough of a profit to keep the store running and our employees paid!
Then we total everything up and give you a cash offer or 30% more if you prefer store credit. If you have dropped your things off at the store, we will then give you a call to let you know we’ve finished processing them. We really cannot tell you what we are paying out for each item, but we would be happy to let you know the pricing on one or two specific things. We do ask that you pick up those items we were not able to accept within a few days if you do not plan on donating them. We try to be flexible about the pick up of No Thank You’s, but we do have limited space in our backroom for storage. If for some reason you can’t get back to the store in a few days, we ask that you call and talk to us about the situation. If after a couple of phone calls we do not here from you, we would donate those things to our Autism Account.
We hope we’ve taken some of the mystery out of our buying process. You are always welcome to ask questions. And we hope to see you and your stuff soon!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Grow With Me Blog Deal Day
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Art Fair Exhaustion?
Friday Bin Sale
All Items in Bins are $1 and 50% of proceeds go to local autism organizations.
We have lots of new brand-name items in the bins, such as Gymboree, Gap, and Old Navy
And all redlines are still 70% off. They are disappearing fast, so hurry in!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Upcoming Events & New Items
Christmas In July
Why not shop for Christmas outfits early?
Tentatively scheduled for July 31st
Stuff-a-Bag Sale
Stuff as much as you can from our bins into your bags for 1 low price
Coming up August 8th
Stay tuned for more information!

Items Now In Stock:
*Bitty Baby Changing Table and Booster Seat
*Doll Bassinet, Canopy Bed, and Car Seat Carrier
*Bratz Dolls, Convertible Car, and Moped
*Matchbox Car Sets
*Littlest Pet Shop Set
*Evenflo Trail Tech Back Pack Carrier
*Kolcraft Double Stroller
*Cradletyme Crib Mattress
*Boppy Activity Mat
*Maya Wrap Sling
*Puzzles, Puzzles, and More Puzzles!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Christmas All Year
But the most entertaining part of resale shop work is definitely looking over all the fun stuff people bring in. It’s like Christmas all year long! Every basket holds some golden nugget. There are the fun toys you can’t help but play with, the excellent books that hold even an adult’s attention, the little stylish outfits you wish you could afford for yourself, and the adorable baby clothes that almost make you want to have another child—almost! We just never know what we’re going to find. Of course sometimes we come across things we would rather not, such as children’s used underwear, food-encrusted toys, or moldy shoes. But more often than not we are pleasantly surprised and enchanted by what our customers bring us. So keep it coming! We buy for all seasons all year, for cash or 30% more in store credit. We look forward to seeing what goodies you have for us!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Super Duper Summer Savings
Getting ready to head to the beach? Let us help!

New Items we have in Stock:
*Goo Goo Shades and Fuzzy Shades
*Disney Sunshade Tent
*Especially for baby Car Seat Sunshade
*Eddie Bauer Baby Carrier Sun Cover
*Peapod Portable Travel Bed
*Playtex Fridge to Go Bag
*Fisher Price Aquarium Take Along Swing
*Maggie B Diaper Bag
*Envirosax Bags--make great beach bags
*Swimwear and Sunhats
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Happy Holiday!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Donating to Grow With Me
All of the donated items that we think are sellable go into our $1 Bins for our weekly Bin Sales. 50% of all the proceeds from those sales go to local autism organizations. Presently, Grow With Me contributes to the Ann Arbor Autism Foundation ( and the Washtenaw County branch of the Judson Center ( Those items that might not sell during our Bin Sales are donated through us to House by the Side of the Road. What is fabulous about this particular nonprofit is that unlike the Salvation Army or PTO Thrift Store, House by the Side of the Road does not sell donated items, but gives them away to those in need that are referred there from other organizations in town, such as Safehouse and the The Corner Health Center. The only time we throw anything away is if an item is in obviously unsafe condition or otherwise unusable.
So feel good about bringing your things into Grow With Me. Not only will you earn some cash back on them or 30% more in store credit if you are selling, but you will be helping families in need.
Friday, June 26, 2009
But I Waaaaant That!!
We hear plenty of whining, screaming, and crying over this same issue here in the store. And that is perfectly normal, especially in today’s consumer culture. Young children don’t understand why they can’t just have what they want. Older children always have that great reason why they should be allowed to have what they want. And they all have an idea of what’s fair: “Why shouldn’t I be allowed to buy something when I have to spend so long shopping for what mom wants?” Some parents tell their children to put it on their wish lists. Some parents just say “no” and walk over their tantruming child. Some parents tell their children to pick out one thing each. Some parents give in at some point and buy what the child wants. And some parents look exasperated. If you are one of those exasperated parents, or even if you’re not, it never hurts to teach your children about the value of money. To prep for the trip, we established an allowance. This allowance is not dependent on any jobs that have to be done (after all, we all have to do chores because we are all members of the family), but always given weekly in order for them to begin to understand how money works. When they would like to make an impulse buy,we ask, “Are you sure you want to buy that now, or would you like to save up for something you really want?” And when they want to make a big purchase we say, “If you save up for X number of weeks, you’ll be able to buy that.” Okay. It doesn’t always work. Sometimes they just want what they want when they want it. But it is awfully nice not to have to fight about it all the time. And I think they are actually starting to understand, as mom always said, that money doesn’t grow on trees!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Summer Markdowns & New Items
All Red-Marked Items Are Now 50% Off!
If your little one might grow out of their shorts before the summer is over, or they need an extra sun hat for the trip to the beach, or you haven't yet bought that July 4th outfit, now is the time to get some great prices on summer merchandise!

Some great items we now have in stock:
*Neurosmith Jumbo Music Block
*Peg Perego Stroller
*Fisher Price Power Plus Swing
*Playskool Simon Says Sit & Spin
*Battat Mini Market
*Melissa & Doug Dinosaur Puzzles
*Ganz Painted Glass Night Lights
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wonderful Baby Shower Gift Ideas at Grow With Me!

Grow With Me offers a great variety of unique baby shower gift ideas at a fraction of the retail cost. Whether you're shopping for an adorable outfit or creating a basket full of baby shower goodies, we would love to help you find the perfect gift to give to the new bundle of joy.
We currently have a huge variety of baby shower gift ideas! Come check it out:
*Me Giant Wee Bubba long-sleeve onesies and shirts are just adorable. Each one comes in its own little lunchbox and is 100% cotton and made in the USA.
*Z. Daisy hooded towels and changing pads are so soft and cuddly. It's too bad their just for babies!
*Baby Ganz stuffed animals and rattles are just the right size for baby to hold. They come in a variety of friendly-faced animals.
*A 2-tiered couture Bloomers diaper cake adorned with yellow silk flowers, a keepsake ceramic baby block, and wrapped in white toulle would be perfect for any stylish baby shower.
*Don't forget our oh so popular Baby Paper that come in three great colors. They are crunchy and crinkly and fun to play with!
*A wide variety of Slinglings baby slings in great colors and patterns.
*New Boppy pillows make a great gift to make mom and baby so comfortable!
The Beginning of Summer Vacation
“Mama watch me play Wii.”
“Just for a minute. I have to go to work today. Ok. Got to go.”
“Oh, wait, you have to see something.”
“I can’t sweetie, I have to get ready for work.”
“But look! I have 2 Indiana Jones now.”
“Uh-huh. That’s nice.”
“You’re not watching.”
“I can’t. I have to get ready for work.”
And 10 minutes later:
“I thought you were getting ready for work.”
“I am.”
“Well what’s taking you so long. Do you have time to watch me now?”
“No, not now.”
“But I’m hungry.”
“Go talk to your dad.”
“But he’s busy.”
“Well tell him he needs to feed you.”
And then upstairs:
“Mama, can I wear the new skirt you bought me today?”
“Why noooooooot?”
“Because it is too nice to wear for a playdate.”
“But what if I only wear it there and then I’ll change if we do something messy.”
“But why nooooooot?”
“Because either you will forget to change or won’t want to take the time to do it and then I will end up getting angry and you will tell me it wasn’t your fault.”
“I won’t do any of that. I promise.”
“You always promise and we need to be done with this conversation because I need to get ready to for work.”
“But Mamaaaaaa! What if I bring the skirt and just try it on for her so she can see it and then I’ll take it right off.”
“Go talk to your father about it.”
“But he’ll just ask me what you said!”
And this is why my children go to camp all summer long! I wish my kids could be the kind of children who play well by themselves. Or I wish I was the type of mom who thinks up fabulous activities for my children to do and could spend hours playing pretend kitties that talk to each other. However, I realized long ago that we are who we are. And being who we are, my children and I are both better off when they are at camp all summer long.
But if your kids are home with you for the summer and you are having one of those days where everything is a struggle, then sometimes a change of atmosphere can do wonders. I learned that a long time ago too. So stop by the store. Let the children play or watch a video while you do a little shopping. And then you might want to ask us which camps our children attend!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Position Available
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Children Will Be Children
I was in another resale store the other day and one of the salespeople told my 10 year old daughter to go find her mommy, which upset her terribly. And during the same trip, another salesperson told a mother not to let her child play with the merchandise-- that there was a specific area of the store where children could use the toys. After that experience, I really had no interest in returning there. How can the staff of a children’s store not expect developmentally appropriate behavior from children?
Babies cry, toddlers run around and grab anything they can get their hands on and try to put it in their mouths, preschoolers want to play with everything including baby toys, and older children either want to try on clothes or tell everyone how bored they are! We get it. We’ve had little ones pee and puke in the store. We’ve had others pull every book they could reach off the bookshelves. And we’ve had lots of crying, yelling, falling-on-the-floor-kicking-full-out tantrums. Children will be children and that’s as expected. Most of the time we just smile our knowing smiles. We’ve all been there. And sometimes you just have to laugh.
So next time you come for a visit and your adorable angel of a child decides to do the unthinkable, don’t stress. Know that you are in a tolerant, accepting place. Tell us if we can help in any way. We would, however, appreciate it if you took a few moments to help your child tidy up. We’ll be happy to teach them, and you, the Clean Up Song or play clean up games. You’d be surprised at how well they work! And then take a deep breath or two before heading out for your next adventure.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Blog Deal Day
Thursday, May 28, 2009
In Stock

If you haven't been in the store in awhile, you might want to check out some of the great new Alex bath toys we have in stock. We are now carrying:
- Rub-a-Dub Fashion in the Tub
- Monsters in my Tub
- Spin and Wash
- Tub Tunes Water Xylophone and Flute
We also had a huge number of drop-offs this week and have many new resale items in, including:
- a bebePod baby chair
- an adorable, pink Schylling piano
- a drawer and changing table set complete with a little mirror for baby to watch him/herself
- an In-step double jogging stroller/trailer
- a Little Tikes kitchen set
- and a huge number of new books, dvd's, cd's, and toys.
So we hope you will stop on by, say hi, and take a look around!
Stay tuned for details about Blog Deal Day Wednesday, June 3rd . . .
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Pacifier Fairy Lives Here!
Not too long after that, a couple came into the store with their little girl. The child, obviously quite pleased with herself, handed me a cutout of an umbrella with two rows of stickers. Each of these stickers represented a hard day’s work of behaving well. There were 14 stickers. So for two weeks of good behavior, the child was rewarded with a very pretty umbrella. She was all smiles. When I asked the father if he wanted the sticker chart returned, he said that they had plenty of others at home in all different shapes and sizes. But I did not throw it away and, in fact, it is still under the counter.
Now although I have resorted to rewards on occasion, I personally am not a big fan of using them on a regular basis. I have found that they tend to get out of hand and children expect bigger and better rewards for their accomplishments. Also, if everything is rewarded all the time, then, research shows, children don’t want to do anything without the reward and actually become less, rather than more, motivated. However, I am certainly aware of the realities of life and that desperate times call for desperate measures. And I have learned well not to judge how others choose to parent.
Therefore, I (and everyone else at Grow With Me) am more than happy to play along with any nonviolent scheme any parent may think up to help move things along in the right direction. I keep that paper umbrella under the counter because I feel privileged to have been trusted with such an important role, however small, in the life of a child. So feel free to give us a call ahead of time or whisper directions to us. After all, we parents have to stick together! And I kind of like being the official Assistant to the Pacifier Fairy:-)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Memorial Day Sale and Other News
We are also helping out the Lamaze Family Center with their fundraiser. They are selling
cookie mix made by the local company, Among Friends. They are big bags of mix and a great deal for $10 a bag. So help us support a great community resource for parents.
And we are happy to announce that we just sent our most current contributions to the local autism groups that we support. $600 went to the Ann Arbor Autism Foundation and $400 to the Judson Center. Thank you for shopping here at Grow With Me, which allows us to be so generous with these important organizations!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Grow With Me Voted #2 Kids' Clothing Store in Ann Arbor Family Press
Top 5 List of Reasons For Shopping Resale for Kids:
- You can save a bundle of money! You can buy at least 3 outfits resale for the price of one retail.
- Who’s going to know the difference? You can find the outfits for the wedding that the kids are only going to wear once or the brand new baby shower gifts for so much less and no one will be the wiser.
- Kids outgrow their clothing so quickly, so what’s the point in paying top dollar? And kids ruin their clothing so quickly, so who needs the worry that they will ruin their clothes that cost so much?
- There's that shopper’s euphoria when you find that great deal or exactly what you were looking for at a fraction of the price .
- You are doing something good for the environment when you shop resale and, when you shop at Grow With Me, good for your community!