Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Recycle Shops

We have a new exchange student in our house. She arrived from Japan just last week. It’s a big adjustment for someone who has not done much travelling. It is a new and different world. I brought her to the store with me the other day. She looked over everything and was very impressed. And she was quite surprised when I told her this was a resale store. In Japan they are called recycle shops, but there are not many of them, and much fewer clothing recycle shops than those carrying other items such as televisions and other electronic equipment.

And that got me thinking about the progress we’ve made here in this country with recycling generally and the proliferation of resale stores. According to the National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops, there has been a 5% annual growth in the industry. No doubt that hard economic times have played a role in the recent upswing in resale sales. Some second-hand stores are reporting as much as a 20% increase in sales. But the expansion in the industry over the years is most likely related to an increased awareness in recycling and the desire to minimize our impact on our environment—at least that’s what I’d like to think. And that interest has in turn changed the image of the resale shop. People are no longer afraid to admit that they bought that adorable outfit at a second-hand store. In fact, I’ve seen people say it with pride. And others respond with, “What a great find!”

So next time you are planning on going for the great sales at the retail store, take a moment to think about whether you really need to buy it new. When you buy at a resale shop, not only will you find great deals, but you are also doing your part in creating an eco-friendly society. The more you buy resale, not only are you buying “green”, but you are helping the industry survive and thrive. And just maybe we can be a great example for other countries. You know, Japanese teens especially love all things American, so perhaps recycle shops will become the next big thing!

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