The Monday morning after school let out for the summer, the conversation went something like this:
“Mama watch me play Wii.”
“Just for a minute. I have to go to work today. Ok. Got to go.”
“Oh, wait, you have to see something.”
“I can’t sweetie, I have to get ready for work.”
“But look! I have 2 Indiana Jones now.”
“Uh-huh. That’s nice.”
“You’re not watching.”
“I can’t. I have to get ready for work.”
And 10 minutes later:
“I thought you were getting ready for work.”
“I am.”
“Well what’s taking you so long. Do you have time to watch me now?”
“No, not now.”
“But I’m hungry.”
“Go talk to your dad.”
“But he’s busy.”
“Well tell him he needs to feed you.”
And then upstairs:
“Mama, can I wear the new skirt you bought me today?”
“Why noooooooot?”
“Because it is too nice to wear for a playdate.”
“But what if I only wear it there and then I’ll change if we do something messy.”
“But why nooooooot?”
“Because either you will forget to change or won’t want to take the time to do it and then I will end up getting angry and you will tell me it wasn’t your fault.”
“I won’t do any of that. I promise.”
“You always promise and we need to be done with this conversation because I need to get ready to for work.”
“But Mamaaaaaa! What if I bring the skirt and just try it on for her so she can see it and then I’ll take it right off.”
“Go talk to your father about it.”
“But he’ll just ask me what you said!”
And this is why my children go to camp all summer long! I wish my kids could be the kind of children who play well by themselves. Or I wish I was the type of mom who thinks up fabulous activities for my children to do and could spend hours playing pretend kitties that talk to each other. However, I realized long ago that we are who we are. And being who we are, my children and I are both better off when they are at camp all summer long.
But if your kids are home with you for the summer and you are having one of those days where everything is a struggle, then sometimes a change of atmosphere can do wonders. I learned that a long time ago too. So stop by the store. Let the children play or watch a video while you do a little shopping. And then you might want to ask us which camps our children attend!
Best of Parent Hacks: Summertime edition
Consider this my gone fishin' sign -- it will pop up when my attention
leads me away from the computer for a few days.
11 years ago
Great story!