Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog Deal Day & Buying Notice

For those of you who have already received this message via email, please excuse the repetition, but we wanted all of our customers to know that through this next week we will be buying sporadically. Our main buyer, Elyssa, has had a family emergency and will not be in the store over the weekend and probably not as often during the week. We'll be happy to accept your drop-offs, as usual, but please understand that it might take longer than usual to process your things.

That being said, we are open as usual for business and have some savings for you for Blog Deal Day:

Blog Deal Day
Sunday, February 28th
25% Off
All Winter Clothing (excluding coats & showpants)
Just let us know you saw it on the blog!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spring is Coming!

Yes, it's still February and it's still plenty cold outside. But before too long the snow will be melting and there will be more sunny days. So don't let the warm weather sneak up on you! We are stocking up on spring clothing and we have plenty of adorable Easter outfits. And here are some other items we now have available:

*Graco Contempo High Chair

*First Years Night & Day Bottle Warmer

*Diaper Champ

*Hoohobbers Infant Rocker

*Sozo Swaddle Blankets

*Kiddopotamus Stroller Ray Shade

*Red Envelope Baby Milestones Frame

*Polly Pocket Pretty Packets

*Fisher Price Elmo's Mailbox Shape Sorter

*Fur Real Zambi the Baby Elephant

*Thomas Sodor Fix-it Station

*Little People Birthday Party Playhouse

*Moon Sand My Town

*Bob the Builder Workshop

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How Did You Hear About Us?

It's time for an interactive post. We need your expertise! How did you hear about us? Was it through a friend or advertisement? Or did you just happen to see us as you were driving by? We want to know! And while we are on the subject, if you have any excellent ideas for where to advertise, let us know. Where are you most likely to look at/ listen to ads or look for coupons? We are trying to be savvy advertisers and what better resource than our fabulous customers!

Oh, and if you post, let us know next time you are in and we'll give you 10% off your full purchase!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Have you come to the store recently? We have some heart-breakingly cute outfits for the holiday! And there are still a few sweet books left, but they have been going fast! We also have plenty of picture frames--a picture of a child dressed in a Valentine's Day outfit makes a great Valentine's Day gift!

And here are some other great new items we have in stock:

*Rock A Bye Butterfly

*Safety 1st Jitter Buggy Exersaucer

*Fisher Price Potty-on-the-Go

*Lila Bean Nursing Cover

*JJ Cole Logic Diaper Carrier

*Rose Petal Toy Washing Machine

*My Little Pony Ponies

*Playskool Sing Along Spider

*Brio Builder System

*Wood Parking Garage

*YogaYeers Kid's Yoga Mat

*Matchbox Power Scouts Adventure System

*Hannah Montana In Concert Stage

*Spa Factory Aromatherapy Fountain

*Martian Matters Alien Maker Spaceship

*Ganz Wood Sassy Letters--Decorate with your child's name or initials!