We have a great assortment of Halloween costumes to choose from, although they've been going fast. But have you considered trying to make your own this year? Of course some costumes are more difficult than others to create from scratch, but here's what we get out of making our own costumes in our house:
*It's a great way to spend some time together
*When the kids help out it really gets their creative juices flowing
*And then they feel so proud of themselves when they get to wear the costume that they helped to create
*It can be much cheaper than buying a costume
*Buying used items to make costumes is Green
*It is just plain fun!
Some of the easiest costumes to make include ghost (of course), clown, cowboy, princess, ballerina, fairy, witch, train engineer, scarecrow, cat, bunny, spider, bee, 60's, 70's, or 80's outfit, geek (no offense), or snowman. But what you can come up with is really endless. Last year we managed to put together a Jo from Little Women costume and a very scary monster. The coolest thing about making your own costumes is that if you do it year after year, eventually your kids will think up all kinds of interesting ideas on their own as they get older. Although a little gruesome, a couple of years ago my daughter decided she was going to be some kind of drowned ghost and instructed me to buy a white dress. I found the dress at a resale shop for a few dollars. She rolled around in the mud in the dress, put leaves and fake seaweed in her hair and painted her face white. And we were both happy.
So google "making your own Halloween costume" and then come on by for some of your materials. You can find some fabulously cheap clothing to cut up or roll in the mud in our Second Bloom Room where everything is $1!