We are so excited about this move and we hope you are too. Here are the details:
We will be closing up shop on Monday, May 10th. We will reopen in our new location in Westgate Plaza on Friday, May 14th.
And here are our new hours in our new location:
Monday thru Friday 9:30 - 8:00
Saturday 9:30 - 6:00
Sunday 11:00 - 5:00
Some of you have expressed your concern about the parking situation over at Westgate. We're aware that it is not ideal for bringing in larger things to sell. So we will be allowing drop-offs at our back door between 11:00 and 4:00. Just drive around to the back and ring the bell. As always, you are welcome to drop-off anytime through the front door, but we won't have the extra staff to answer the bell at the back earlier or later in the day.
And here's some more exciting news: instead of our weekly bin sales, we will have a new space in the store devoted entirely to our discount items. It is called the Second Bloom Room. And everything in the room will be $1 everyday! So no more waiting until the weekend and no more bending over the bins. We will also have a new program in place that will allow you to trade in some of your No Thank You's (those items we were not able to buy outright from you) for Second Bloom Room credits. We are still happy to take any donations, but this will give you a chance to choose to earn a little extra store credit. Next time you are in selling, ask us for details.
I'm not going to post any pictures of how it all looks now. You are just going to have to come over to our new digs to see for yourself! We will look forward to seeing you after the move!