Are you or someone you know looking for a part-time position? Grow With Me is hiring a buyer. We are willing to train, but we are looking for someone who has a good
knowledge of brand-name and boutique clothing, as well as a general knowledge of other children's merchandise. We are also looking for someone who is able to work weekends and some weekdays. And, of course, customer service is our number one priority, so this should be an outgoing, friendly person. Anyone interested in the position should come by and fill out an application.
So that's the new position and here's some of the new stuff:
*Evenflo Exersaucer
*Graco 6-speed Swing
*Fisher Price Jumperoo
*Bumbo Seat with Tray
*Graco Pack & Play with Bassinet
*Peg Perego Martinelli Double Stroller
*Safety First Baby Gate
*Baby Bjorn Potty
*Axius Back Seat Travel Tray
*Always Learning Cup and Utensil Set
*Boon Frog Pod Bath Scoop, Drain & Storage
*Green Sprouts Shopping Cart Covers
*My 1st Summer Happy Frog Pool
*Giant Dora & Diego Dolls
*Playmobile Soccer Set
*Leap Frog Learn-Around Playground
*Infantino Activity Mat
*Infantino Big Mouth Toss Basket Toy
*Lil Bratz Fashion Runway Purse
*Belle Doll with Blanket
*Pottery Barn Shopping Carts
*Step 2 Thundervolt Roller Coaster
*Maginetics Doodlewriter