Well, the new store is coming along. We are having a new, bigger sales counter built. It will be purple and green of course! All the walls have been patched and sanded. And all the lighting has been checked and updated. We also have a doorbell and peep hole for the back door, so all our customers will be able to conveniently pull up and drop off during our buying hours.
We also have plenty of new items in the store. Here is a sample:

*Melissa and Doug Bug Catchers, Bug Houses, Magnifying Glasses, and Binoculars
*Playskool Easy Dunk Basketball
*Winfun Electric Piano
*Box of K'Nex
*Soccer Pop-Up Goal
*Ikea Wooden Tool Set
*Little People Keyboard
*Tea set in Wicker Picnic Case
*Imaginarium Activity Cube
*Melissa and Doug Easel Paper Holder
*Matchbox Power Scouts Skull's Challenge

*Graco Contempo High Chair
*Graco Duoglider Double Stroller
*Evenflo Exersaucer
*Fisher Price Space Saver High Chair
*First Years Safety Gate
*Pottery Barn Safari Rug
*Little Tikes Floor Activity Table
*Phil & Ted's Traveller Crib
*Diaper Champ
*New Envirosax Styles--Bunnies and Piggies
We also have all our spring dresses out on the racks, as well as some really cute Easter baskets and Easter Basket gifts!