Grow With Me is starting a new Trade-A-Book Program! Your child may bring in a book in excellent condition (no ripped binding or pages, no writing or coloring) to trade for a new book of equal or lesser value (one book per visit)! We are excited about this program and hope that you will come in and give it a try!

Besides having a full stock of books, we are overflowing with games and toys--many of them brand new. After the holidays we are inundated with all those unwanted gifts. So we know that the last thing you really want to do right after the gift-giving season is think about buying anything, but you might want to check out all our brand new items and hide them away for the upcoming birthdays or other occassions. Here's some of what we have in stock right now:
*Little Tikes Police Cycle Sounds Rocket
*Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Chair
*Fisher Price Learning Letters Mailbox (brand new in box)
*Playskool Easy Dunk Basketball (brand new in box)
*Boys Bears Collectible Bear with Tag
*Graco Doll Stroller
*Super Soaker Aqua Shock Sneak Attack (brand new in box)
*Fisher Price Play My Way Workshop
*New Bright Radio Control Silverado Monster Truck (brand new in box)
*Fisher Price Pop Onz Table
*Bunny Ears Elmo (brand new in box)
*Alex Monkey Ring Toss (brand new in bag)
*Baby Einstein Move & Go Music Mirror (brand new in box)
*Jump N Jet Safe Air Powered Rocket (brand new in box)
*Fisher Price Kid Tough Doodler (brand new in box)
*Rescue Pet Myepets.com Cat (brand new in box)
*Pink Scuttle Bug Scooter
*Chicco Duo Gym (brand new in box)
*Twilight New Moon Board Game (brand new)
*Games, Games, and more Games!
*Cars, Cars, and more Cars!
And other items in stock:

*Zooper Tango Double Stroller
*Graco Metro Lite Stroller
*Hello Kitty Ready Bed Inflatable Sleeping Bag
*Evenflo Exersaucer
*Graco Travel Lite Pack & Play
*Dad Gear Cargo Jacket
*Diaper Dude Messenger Bag
*Wall Candy Arts Flutterflies Wall Applique